Pensions Dashboard project announces FinTech pioneers - ITM
Pensions Dashboard project announces FinTech pioneers

Pensions Dashboard project announces FinTech pioneers

Dec 22, 2016

Six firms have been chosen as technology development partners on the Pensions Dashboard, creating the first prototype of an online service which will show people all their pension savings together.

The project is being managed by the Association of British Insurers (ABI) on behalf of HM Treasury, with the prototype due to be ready for testing in March next year.

Over 60 firms expressed an interest in taking part in the project on a pro bono basis.

After a competitive and rigorous evaluation process, the firms have been assigned to five different areas of the project as follows:

Pensions Dashboard User Interface (how people will interact with the dashboard):

  • Runpath and Experian (joint pitch)

Pensions Finder Services (how the system retrieves information on people’s different pension pots)

  • Origo and Experian

Identity Providers (verification of people’s identity and personal details)

  • Safran and Experian

Integration Service Providers (providing the additional connections some pension firms will need to share data with the dashboard)

  • ITM and Aquila Heywood

Matching / Data Quality Analysis (overcoming the challenges of finding everyone’s pension in every system)

  • ITM and Experian.


Read full article here from ABI:

Guy Ridley, Director at ITM Limited says:

ITM are supporting the programme as a leading Integration Service Provider and also as consultants on how data quality will impact on the matching and enablement phase, after the Prototype has been completed.  ITM believe, by assisting this phase of the work, it can add significant value when looking at designs and practical application of the prototype solution and how this will influence the potential longer term solutions that will be implemented in the later phases of the project.


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