ITM unveils Forum to help Schemes evaluate and prepare for Pension Dashboards - ITM
ITM unveils Forum to help Schemes evaluate and prepare for Pension Dashboards

ITM unveils Forum to help Schemes evaluate and prepare for Pension Dashboards

Jun 16, 2017

ITM, the market leading, independent specialist provider of financial data services, technology and consulting has launched a Forum to assist pension schemes with the planning for the forthcoming Pension Dashboards.

ITM was one of six technology partners selected to develop the Pension Dashboard Prototype, where it has been working on the standards required for pension schemes of all shapes and sizes to integrate their data with the dashboard.

“Our Pensions Dashboard research and feedback following the launch of the Prototype has confirmed to us that for pension schemes to play their role in the successful launch of Dashboards, a significant level of engagement and planning will be required,” said Duncan Howorth, Executive Chairman of ITM.

“The combination of competing priorities and preparation of data and systems means that Pension Schemes will benefit from guidance and support as the industry consults on the roadmap to the full introduction of Dashboards.”

Nigel Tinsley, Pensions Director at BAE Systems and a founding member of the Forum, said “I’m delighted a Forum like this has been established to help pension schemes understand the implications of and the role they can play in Pension Dashboards .”

Forum members will receive regular briefings and will be able to attend regular events. ITM will develop Dashboard specific benchmarking to help schemes gauge where they are on the road to readiness. Amongst other subjects, issues and challenges will be discussed so that milestones can be properly understood and set.

Dan Hockley, Co-Founder and Director of ITM, added: “The principal aim of the Forum will be to help schemes plan and prepare. Dashboards can add so much to consumer engagement. A successful delivery of Dashboards will need to consider the “art of the possible” for pension schemes. Trustees are already asking us what Dashboards will mean to them and we are confident that the Forum will give them a regular flow of information and advice on ways to participate and prepare.”

Please click here to download the full press release.

Duncan Howorth Executive Chairman, ITM Limited


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